With Haguit Ehrenfreund

PhD, doctor in Psychopathology,
art therapist specialized in dance and movement, sexologist

This training is for health professionals, sexologists, coaches, art-therapists and any corporal expression practitioner.

If your background differs, please contact me.

No previous experience in dance is necessary. These sessions are suitable for young as well as experienced professionals.

« Sound is not external to silence ».
(Eric Baret)

Training approach

This training stands out because it answers to a dual need of practitioners (in the field):

  • Firstly, to acquire theoretical knowledge on sexuality, desire and the mental part of the physical process.
    • Secondly, to provide a practical approach to reconnect patients to their bodies, feelings and creativity.

    For any therapist, being able to respond to patients’ questions about sexuality is paramount.  

    formation sexologie lausanne suisse cartographie du corps

    General informations

    The Body Cartography® approach draws its strength from a deep knowledge of the body, the movement and the psychological space.


    • This advanced training is recognized by supplementary insurances such as RME and ASCA, as well as professional associations.
      • A certificate attesting attendance will be delivered.
        • This training offers an approach and some practical tools to clinicians, it is not a sexology course.
        formation sexologie lausanne suisse cartographie du corps

        Body Cartography®

        Body Cartography® is a body-emotion-mind paradigm developed by Haguit Ehrenfreund, PhD, Doctor in Psychopathology and Dance Movement therapist.

        This working model is a concept for the study and understanding of the links between bodily expression and past emotional and psychological experiences.

        The paradigm provides a methodology for examining the flow of movement related to emotional expression and mental processes.

        The aim is for individuals to be aware of their relationship with their own body and how this connection has been built through past experiences.

        This model is inspired by the practice of dance, the clinical practice of dance movement therapy, as well as French psychosomatic and psychoanalytic schools of thought.

        Content of the training

        Dance and movement therapy in dialogue with sexology

        Dance Movement therapy is one of the three major mind-body techniques applied to sexology.

        The prior requirement of intimate movement and body knowledge offers a unique perspective for treatments.

        Movement in this approach is understood both as a diagnostic and a therapeutic tool.

        Feelings, sensations, emotions, fantasies, representations, are all part of the infinite complexity of desire.

        These two days of training will prepare you to help, listen and use embodied transference.

        So, patients restore the relationship between their body, emotions and sharing.

        From a clinical point of view, sexology is defined as: “the study of human sexuality, its disorders and care.”

        It is an interdisciplinary approach that takes into account the physiological, psychological, social and cultural aspects.

        Understanding that male and female bodies are different might seem trivial, however, it has been taken into account by medical professionals only in recent years. 

        Affecting one woman out of four, problems of sexual desire constitute the main reasons for clinical sexology consultations.

        They may cause a loss of self-confidence, strained relationships and sometimes lead to separations.

        Hence, the value of developing innovative therapeutic perspectives.

        Program of the training

        Movement is used to express our emotions, to connect with others, to develop sensuality and creativity. Movement also shapes up our representation of an intimate relationship.

        Body Cartography® emphasizes the role of the body, the emotional and mental parts of the movement, as well as the intensity of the mind-body dialogue in these processes.

        This training represents the opportunity to develop your theoretical knowledge as well as your practical tools as clinicians.

        We will focus on adapting the following competences to the clinical perspective on desire:

        1. Corporeality awareness.
        2. Experience of the present: senses and creativity.
        3. Interpretation of messages between the body and the emotions.
        4. Investigation of conflicts and unconscious inhibitions.
        5. Actualization of body patterns and representations.
        formation sexologie lausanne suisse cartographie du corps


        The representation of the body-emotion relation to the image of one’s own body performs a key role in a sentimental life.

        By guiding people’s development of their kinesthetic senses, the clinical approach to sexuality becomes creative and sensitive.

        The Body Cartography® paradigm elaborated by Dr. Haguit Ehrenfreund offers an individual and/or couple evaluation to comprehend the nature of the patient’s trouble.

        Dance movement therapy’s clinical tools develop a therapeutic strategy, unique to each patient according to their needs.


        Objectives of the training

        • To develop clinical knowledge on sexology.
          • To reassess the clinical discourse addressing disorders of female desire and the couple.
            • To refresh listening competences at a corporeal level.
              • To experience various aspects of representations at the mind-body level.
                • To acquire practical clinical tools.
                  • To improve patients’ handling

                  Informations pratiques sur la formation


                  Upcoming dates

                  Program 1rst day

                  • 9h30-10h00: greetings and presentation
                  • 10h30-13h00 : First part: : « the reality of bodily experience »
                    • Theoretical and clinical presentation
                    • Experience in movement – the origin of the desire, as seen individually.
                    • Free writing time.
                    • Speaking and sharing time
                  • 13h00 – 14h00 : lunch break
                  • – 16h30 : Second part : the concept of the « concept of “embodied transference »
                    • Theoretical and clinical presentation
                    • Experience in movement – the mirroring practice
                    • Free writing time.
                    • Speaking and sharing time
                  • 16h30 : End of the session

                  Programme 2nd day

                  • 9h30-10h00: greetings and presentation
                  • 10h30-13h00 : First part : « Clinic (sexology) of the women»
                    • Theoretical and clinical presentation
                    • Experience in movement – the path from desire to creativity.
                    • Free writing time.
                    • Speaking and sharing time.
                  • 13h00 – 14h00 : Lunch break
                  • 14h00 – 16h30 : Second part : the role of the body in therapeutic listening
                    • Theoretical and clinical presentation
                    • Experience in the non-linear movement.
                    • Free writing time.
                    • Speaking and sharing time
                  • 16h30 : End of the session

                  Place of the training

                  This training takes place in espace empreint, 3rd floor, Route du grand- Pont 8, 1095 Lutry, in Switzerland, near Lausanne.


                  French (English translation available if needed).


                  – 400 CHF for 1 module
                  – 700 CHF for a registration for 2 days

                  YOU HAVE A QUESTION ABOUT this TRAINING ?

                  Please contact Dr. Ehrenfreund with the form below. You will receive a reply very promptly.

                  15 + 12 =