Online learning for art therapists

Didactical Therapy – Supervision – Mentoring

With Dr. Haguit Ehrenfreund

PhD in Psychopathology,
art therapist specialized in dance and movement therapy.

This course is designed for students learning art therapy as well as licensed practitioners who wish to deepen their knowledge.


Background of the course

Mental health and therapeutic professions benefit from a unique approach to didactic therapy. Art therapy being a particular branch of psychotherapy, supervision is even more necessary.

At the beginning of the art therapist’s professional life, the supervisor accompanies and guides the student. Later on, s/he becomes a colleague who may assist the therapist in her/his clinical work.

The triangle, therapist-patient-art, remains at the center of the reflection of the therapeutic process. This rich and complex triangle needs to be well understood so that the therapist can correctly use this tool.

As a doctor in psychopathology and dance movement therapist, the course I am offering is adapted to art therapies that analyze the place of the body during their practice.

This didactic process will give therapists insight into bodily processes and their place in mental processes, including understanding the social and cultural context that affects body image and acquiring practical tools to work with diverse populations.


The didactical approach

It is highly recommended that an experienced professional dynamically assists in art therapy sessions, as professional and ethical issues may arise.

In the field of art therapy, the verbalization of the artistic process is important.

This is due to the timing when the therapist chooses to intervene and to the specificities of the psychotherapeutic approach through artistic means.


The didactical approach

When dealing with dance and movement therapy and the introduction of the body in therapeutic speech, a particular focus is given to movements, bodily image, and transference or countertransference at the psychosomatic level.

Didactical therapy as well as supervision are strongly linked to the profession and the therapeutic accompaniment. Both aim at mainly supporting the therapist in her or his ethical, professional, and theoretical development.

In this way, the therapeutic process offered to patients improves in quality.



  • To accompany future art therapists in their personal development;
  • To assist professionals in their area of expertise;
  • To widen the practical tools available to clinicians;
  • To introduce a clinical approach that takes into account the body (both of the therapist and the patient);
  • To create bridges between the psychoanalytic theory and the clinical approach of the body and movement.

Materials used to complement the online sessions via Zoom :

    • Videos
      • Screen shots to analyze key postures
        • Creation in parallel with the Zoom sessions
          • Physical exercises (breathing, etc.).

          Praticals informations

          Fees and duration of a session

          The session lasts 75 minutes and the price is 185 CHF.


          On Zoom: the link will be sent by email.


          A certificate of personal therapy or supervision recognized by OdEA Arte Cure (for the Swiss) will be given to art therapists.


          English, French, Hebrew.

          you want to register or have Any question ?

          Please contact Dr. Ehrenfreund with the form below. You will receive a reply very promptly.

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