Continuing education for professionals : Online clinical training

Clinical body cartography® : Psychosomatic perspectives

With Dr. Haguit Ehrenfreund

Doctor in Psychopathology, art therapist specialized in dance and movement therapy.

This seminar is designed for health professionals, art therapists, dancers, and any practitioner of corporal expression.

If your background differs, please contact me.

No previous experience of dance is necessary. These sessions are suitable for both young and experienced professionals

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Presentation of the clinical seminare

This seminar aims at answering the need to investigate the role of the body and movement in the mental process.

The objective is to consolidate therapists’ theoretical as well as clinical knowledge in their analytical approach.

We will address essential clinical questions using a corpus of philosophical, psychoanalytical, dance therapy, and dance materials.

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Seminar content

The clinical approach teaches us that as long as the body-mental process relationship is not emotionally or affectively invested, the person cannot reach equilibrium at the psychosomatic level, which conveys a sensation and a life experience of “being cut off from his own body”.

With emotions triggered by physical activities and movements, the person is able to establish a connection between her or his body, emotions, and words. Once accomplished, patients are capable of naming and elaborating on what used to be outside of their consciousness. 

Dance and movement therapy uses the concept of “subjective connection” developed by Mary Whitehouse. The idea is to improve the inner perception of one’s body with the sensation of movement in order for the patient to build an emotional bond with her or his own body.

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The didactical approach

It is essential for therapists to assess the patient’s psychosomatic equilibrium with the appropriate interpretation tools before suggesting any treatment.

From this perspective, clinical body cartography is an interpretation tool of great value.

The four levels of interpretation of clinical body cartography® are :

  1. The body, or the anatomy as it is imposed, and the related philosophy;
    2. The movement and the emotional experience of the body in action;
    3. The mind responsible for mental schemes and representations;
    4. The senses and the holistic approach of the person.
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Seminar overview

Participants will receive a text related to one of the interpretation levels of clinical body cartography.
The text will be analyzed and discussed along with practical clinical examples during the seminar.
The fifth session will be dedicated to a clinical vignette that we will analyze in order to assess the psychosomatic equilibrium on the basis of the texts.

Three periods for each seminar :

  1. Presentation of the text and the author;
    2. Analysis of the text;
    3. Clinical perspective;
    4. Discussion.
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Objectives of the seminars

  • To offer a solid theoretical basis for reflection
  • To develop capacities and clinical approaches
  • To share clinical vignettes from the field
  • To rethink psychosomatics
  • To foster a think tank about the clinical body and movement.

Training praticals informations


Dates will be published soon


Online with Zoom : the link will be sent to you via email


English, French, Hebrew.


– 400 CHF subscription to the five seminars
– 100 CHF for one seminar

you want to book or have any question ?

Please contact Dr. Ehrenfreund with the form below. You will receive a reply very promptly.

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